Hi! If you're a DART PLAYER who enjoys great competition and LOVES to have FUN sharing their passion with like minded and talented individuals, then the CIRCUIT is for you.
It offers competitive and FUN loving individuals a chance to enjoy throwing competitive darts with and against other players in clean, friendly, and DART ORIENTED facilities. The Circuit is a PREMIER Dart Tournament Tour hopefully someday in your "Neighborhood".
Note from the Director
The "CIRCUIT" is a series of Modified blind-draw STEEL-Tipped dart tournaments held nightly each week at sponsoring taverns/pubs. Every tournament is open for anyone and everyone who likes to throw Steel-tipped darts. Whether you're a beginner, amateur, rookie, or Pro the CIRCUIT can be for you. It is here for you to enjoy just an evening out with friends playing a game you love OR to provide a dedicated player with a LARGER program in which to challenge their abilities against serious and talented competitors.
As you start playing the Circuit, make it your GOAL to play in at least 10 tournaments in your neighborhood every 6 months in order to QUALIFY for that neighborhood's next "Dartistry Championships" which is a weekend event filled with a combination of different formatted tournaments.
Please feel free to peruse this website and use the services provided to find a place to "play darts" on the night of the week that best fills your needs. If you choose to join the Circuit's larger program, you can also use this site to keep track of your personal season qualifying statistics. If, after browsing through the website, you still have questions or need additional information, please use our convenient online feedback form to tell us about it.
Have Fun. Come often. Bring some friends.
If you're interested in providing this service, in your neighborhood, as a Licensed AREA DIRECTOR or you are a Pub Owner interested in sponsoring a weekly Circuit tournament, please e-mail me directly.