Tournament Format

All of the Nightly Blind Draws (2 players per team) are Double Elimination (winner’s & last chance brackets), so you could end up with the best player in town or a newbie as your partner with two chances to reach the finals. Either way, we hope you shoot well and have fun, because that’s what it’s all about. You may even go home with a “Pocket full of CASH”.

The FORMAT for the MAIN tournament is:
2 out of 3 games in the winner’s bracket
(501-SS/DO, Cricket, Bull’s choice)
1 game in the last chance bracket (Bull’s choice)

Depending on the number of players, the tournament should be over by midnight or sooner. For those of you who are obsessed, like me, we occasionally have a second tourney on Friday & Saturday nights. That will depend on the amount of player interest and the time remaining before the club closes for the night.

ALL second tourneys will be:
501 only (SS/DO)
1 game in the winners
1 game in the second chance bracket.

Before participating for the first time, it would benefit everyone to read the Primary Rules of Engagement & Play so as to learn more about the codes of conduct we practice while playing the “CIRCUIT”.
